Rethinking Spending Habits: Small Changes That Lead to Big Wins
Let’s have a real talk today—a heart-to-heart that’s less tough love and more of a gut check, in the funnest way possible. It’s time to stop doubting yourself and start believing in your ability to make your dreams come true. You’ve got this, but sometimes, we all need a little nudge to get back on track. Let’s dive in!

First things first: your dreams are way closer than you think. Often, the biggest roadblock is what’s happening in your own head. Here’s a quick example—someone recently commented on my TikTok, saying it would take them "three lifetimes" to afford something they wanted. My reaction? Don’t sell yourself short like that!
The truth is, achieving your dreams isn’t about things being out of reach. It’s about shifting your mindset and truly believing in yourself. Forget what anyone else has told you—you are capable of so much more than you realize.
Now, let’s chat about something practical: how you’re spending your money. This isn’t about being frugal for the sake of it; it’s about focusing your resources on the things that matter most.

Here’s a little trick I use: a spending flow. It’s a super simple process to help you decide if something is worth buying. Let’s try it out:
Do you love it?
If it’s sitting in your cart, you probably like it. But do you really love it?
Is it a necessity?
Did you need it yesterday? Will it genuinely improve your life? If not, think twice.
Can you borrow it?
If you can borrow instead of buying, that might be the way to go. If not, proceed with caution.
This process works for everything, from fun little treats to big purchases like a house. The key? Being honest with yourself.
Here’s a question for you: if you added up all the money you’ve spent on things you didn’t really need over the past year, how much would it be? Now, think about how much closer that money could have brought you to a big goal, like a dream vacation, a new car, or just a cushier savings account.
Look, I’m all for treating yourself sometimes—life’s too short not to. But if you’re grabbing Starbucks every single day or splurging on things that don’t actually bring you joy, it might be time for a little pause and reflect moment.

Here’s a life-changing habit to try: a quick daily check-in with your budget. It doesn’t have to be a big, overwhelming thing, just spend a few minutes each day looking at what you earned, what you spent, and what’s left. If you need help with this exercise, check out the Daily Grind's Budget Tracking Challenge insert!
In our house, this little routine brings so much peace of mind. My husband Andre starts every morning with a coffee and his budget spreadsheet, and honestly, it’s been a game-changer. Staying on top of what’s coming in and going out gives you clarity and control. No more surprise charges or mystery subscriptions eating away at your hard-earned money!
If you’ve been feeling stuck or thinking your goals are out of reach, I’m here to tell you they’re not. It’s time to:
Rethink your mindset.
Get intentional about your spending.
Start tracking your budget daily.
With just a few small shifts, you can start moving toward your dreams today. Not in three lifetimes—now.
So, take a moment and give yourself a little gut check on your spending habits. What’s in your cart that doesn’t really serve you? What’s one step you can take today to get closer to your goals? You’ve got this—I believe in you!